Spell Casting Service

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

i know that you probably have a few questions about my spell casting service and in a attempt to save you time i’ve gone ahead and listed or most frequently asked questions and answers here but if you have a different type of question that needs answering don’t hesitate to contact me.

How long will take for the spell to work?

It’s hard to give a definitive answer because everyone’s situation is unique and involves different people but most people see results within 1 week to 8 weeks. It rarely takes longer than 8 weeks but if that much time passes and you have seen no benefits of the spell I offer a completely free recast.

Can I order more than 1 spell at a time?

Yes, you can order multiple spells but I would strongly recommend not using more than 3 at any one time that is targeted at the same person. I do this for two reasons, the first is that I have many people who use my casting service and too many spells from the same people would overload me, and secondly that after 3 spells there tends to be a lot of overlapping so it’s usually not necessary to cast that many spells directed towards a single person.

Should I choose single, double, or triple casting?

This answer is going to be different for everyone because everyone has different needs, usually, a single casting is more than enough for the average person but if you want faster or more intense results then you can use the double or triple casting options.

Do you have any type of guarantee my spell will work?

I want everyone who uses my spell casting services to be 100% satisfied and over the years I have built a solid reputation for getting results where others have failed. If for whatever reason you are not satisfied I want you to let me know so that I can not only help fix your situation but also take a look at my own casting and see where I can improve our abilities. If you aren’t satisfied I will recast your spell as many times as needed in order to get the results you wish or I can simply refund your order.

Can I order a spell on behalf of somebody else?

Yes, this is perfectly fine and it’s something I do on a regular basis. If the spell is on behalf of another person please make a note of it on the form.

Real Magick Spells By Nadya